Wild dogs: Citizen and professional scientist bag a first record of them in Vwaza Wildlife Reserve, Malawi
25 June 2024

Coral bleaching: The canary in the coal mine for corporate greed and environmental destruction
4 June 2024

The power of Marine Citizen Science: How BiosphereExpeditions has made a difference
22 May 2024

Another discovery for Biosphere Expeditions: birds in the Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve
10 April 2024

Another scientific paper: Honeybush in South Africa
25 February 2023

Whale world record and the power of citizen science
9 June 2021

Citizen science delivers - again (in Malawi and South Africa)
30 December 2020

Press trips & media opportunities 2021
15 December 2020

Amidst the gloom, a conservation success story - three years of Reef Check Oman
22 October 2020

“We’re losing the battle against the poachers this year” - the coronavirus pandemic shows how important international citizen science has become in conservation
23 June 2020

Coronavirus Appeal
4 April 2020

Press trips & media opportunities 2020
23 January 2020

Nature fighting back: Maldives reefs showing resilience
1 October 2019

From citizen science to activism and rebellion for the planet: 20 years of Biosphere Expeditions
12 September 2019

Citizen science doubles critical wolf data in Lower Saxony, Germany
21 May 2019

Press trips & media offerings 2019
19 January 2019

Calling all divers - competition prize to empower you to take reef conservation action
7 November 2018

Citizen science and wolf conservation working hand in hand
12 September 2018

Lüneburg Heath and Masai Mara - wolves, citizens and science in Lower Saxony, Germany
6 June 2018

75% sea turtle nests saved in landmark achievement on Pacuare beach, Caribbean coast, Costa Rica
4 April 2018

Wolf pack in Germany confirmed thanks to citizen science
27 March 2018

Oman's two historic first Reef Check Trainers take on leading role as citizen scientists in country's reef conservation
20 March 2018

Preliminary results of the inaugural citizen science wolf expedition to Germany
7 December 2017

Love (and some hate) in international media coverage of Germany wolf expedition
23 October 2017

Open letter about wolves to Helmut Dammann-Tamke, president of the state hunter's association of Lower Saxony and member of the state parliament (CDU / conservatives)
9 October 2017

New scientific publication about Sumatran tigers
18 September 2017

Resilient reefs of Musandam (Oman) bucking bleaching carnage - a glimmer of hope for reefs in the face of climate change?
30 August 2017

Maldives reefs follow those of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef down a path of catastrophic decline, death and destruction
8 August 2017

Germany's first wolf citizen science expedition exceeds all expectations
26 July 2017

Coral reef competition winner announced - Chance to win another once-in-a-lifetime expedition now open to entries
13 July 2017

Omanis for Omani reefs: Community-based reef research and conservation programme launched in Muscat
31 May 2017

Maldivians for Maldivian reefs: Much needed community-based reef survey and care programme launched in Male'
15 May 2017

Biosphere Expeditions at the Tourism for Tomorrow awards
28 April 2017

May triggers Brexit, Biosphere Expeditions moves to Ireland
29 March 2017

Historic first community-based reef survey near Muscat, Oman
30 January 2017

Two big accolades for Biosphere Expeditions
31 October 2016

Musandam corals healthy, but problems remain
30 October 2016

The wolf returns to Germany with citizen scientists from all over the world in its wake
25 August 2016

Bleaching and Crown of Thorns wreak havoc on Maldives reefs – but is this a temporary blip?
16 August 2016

Bleaching and teaching – saving corals and marine life in the face of El Niño
29 June 2016

Brexit statement by Dr. Matthias Hammer, founder and executive director of Biosphere Expeditions
24 June 2016

Community-based reef conservation in the face of monster El Niño approaching the Maldives
22 March 2016

Biosphere Expeditions in the fray to stop oil drilling in famous Virunga gorilla park
26 January 2016

Divers rediscover Eden for coral reefs in the face of climate change
3 November 2015

Against the tide of bogus voluntourism in South Africa: a case study from the Western Cape
7 October 2015

Citizen science helps Arabian wolf in Dubai
13 September 2015

Beautifully written case for marine protection
8 September 2015

Требуются волонтеры для экспедиции по снежным барсам в горах Ала-Тоо
(announcement about placement programme for locals on Tien Shan snow leopard expedition)
28 April 2015

Snow leopard presence confirmed in Saylyugem National Park
14 April 2015

Tracking large carnivores in Slovakia’s Vel’ka Fatra National Park
24 March 2015

Another ethical travel accolade for Biosphere Expeditions
17 March 2015

Arabian leopard book now out
5 February 2015

Biosphere Expeditions singled out as ethical organisation in an increasingly unethical voluntourism world
2 February 2015

Scientists and volunteers join forces in two new expeditions to help protect and preserve Sumantran tigers and South African leopards
4 December 2014

First ever all-Maldivian Reef Check survey
14 November 2014

National Geographic Traveller lambasts voluntourism, praises Biosphere Expeditions
27 April 2014

Biosphere Expeditions welcomes protection for unique marine ecosystem in Musandam, Oman
27 November 2013

The ugly tail end of voluntourism and tips on how to avoid it
19 November 2013

Asia unites to save the snow leopard; Biosphere Expeditions in the thick of it
4 November 2013

Biosphere Expeditions’ Namibia conservation project wins National Geographic accolade
11 April 2013

Snow leopard conservation: Vote for us to win a grant to save the snow leopard!
23 March 2013

Protection for 80 Mile Beach
29 January 2013

Bad news for genuine conservation efforts
21 January 2013

Biosphere Expeditions annual magazine 2013 now available
12 December 2012

Volunteers find new data on Pallas' cats
5 October 2012

Biosphere Expeditions wins Travel + Leisure Global Vision Award
21 September 2012

Biosphere Expeditions teams up with Reef Check for EcoExpedition in Malaysia
20 September 2012

Biosphere Expeditions research shows remarkable coral reef recovery
17 September 2012

Soneva Fushi and Biosphere Expeditions: working together in coral reef conservation and reaching out to Maldivians
August 2012

Peru cancels massive dam project that would have destroyed biodiversity hotspot
20 August 2011

Biosphere Expeditions named as one of Travel + Leisure’s Top 40 Adventure Outfitters
30 July 2012 

Biosphere Expeditions add elephants to their Namibian conservation holiday project
27 May 2012

Biosphere Expeditions upcoming volunteer opportunity in Namibia
9 May 2012

Biosphere Expeditions’ Namibia big cat conservation expedition recommended by WSJ
9 May 2012

Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area declared - now world's biggest protected area
18 August 2011

Biosphere Expeditions launch reef educational booklet for Maldivian children and scholarship programme for adults
7 August 2011 - issued in the Maldives

Land Rover presents Biosphere Expeditions in Brazil
2 May 2011 - issued in Brazil

Biosphere Expeditions and Six Senses offer Maldivians a unique chance to take part in coral reef & whale shark research expedition
16 April 2011 - issued in the Maldives

Hanyini Research station, Namibia
1 June 2008

"Dieses Jahr verlieren wir den Kampf gegen die Wilderer"- Die Coronaviruskrise zeigt, wie wichtig die internationale Bürgerwissenschaft für den Naturschutz geworden ist
23. Juni 2020

Biosphere Expeditions und NABU: Teilnehmener*innen für Expeditionen nach Armenien und Kirgistan gesucht
16. Januar 2020

Biosphere Expeditions und NABU vergeben erstmals kostenlosen Expeditionsplatz in Armenien
16. Dezember 2019

Von Bürgerwissenschaft zu Aktivismus und Rebellion für den Planeten: 20 Jahre Biosphere Expeditions
12. September 2019

BürgerwissenschaftlerInnen verdoppeln wissenschaftliche Daten zum Wolf in Niedersachsen
21. Mai 2019

Bürgerwissenschaft und Wolfschutz Hand in Hand
12. September 2018

Lüneburger Heide und Masai Mara - Wölfe, Bürger und Wissenschaft in Niedersachsen
6. Juni 2018

Teilnehmer für Kirgistan-Expedition gesucht - Bürgerwisschenschafts-Expedition hilft Schneeleoparden im Tian-Shan-Gebirge
11. April 2018

Wolfsrudel in Walle (Niedersachsen) dank Bürgerwissenschaftler/innen bestätigt
27. März 2018

Erste Ergebnisse der Wolf-Bürgerwissenschaftler-Expedition in Deutschland
7. Dezember 2017

Hassliebe Wolfsexpedition in Medien und öffentlichem Diskurs
23. Oktober 2017

Offener Brief zum Thema Wölfe an Helmut Dammann-Tamke, Präsident der Landesjägerschaft Niedersachsen und Mitglied des Landtags (CDU)
9. Oktober 2017

Deutschlands erste Wolf-Bürgerwissenschaftler-Expedition übetrifft alle Erwartungen
26. July 2017

Der Wolf und Bürgerwissenschaftler in Deutschland: Biosphere Expeditions startet Projekt in Niedersachsen
13. Juni 2016

Der Wolf – zurück in Deutschland, Bürgerwissenschaftler im Schlepptau
25. August 2016

Malediver kämpfen um ihre Riffe – trotz Monster-El Niño und Nichtstun der Regierung
30. März 2016

Teilnehmer für Schneeleoparden-Expedition nach Kirgistan gesucht
22. Februar 2016

Schneeleoparden auf dem Vormarsch im Saylyugem Nationalpark, Altai
14. April 2015

Weitere Voluntourismus-Auszeichnung für Biosphere Expeditions
17. März 2015

Biosphere Expeditions und NABU suchen Teilnehmer für Schneeleoparden-Expedition nach Kirgistan
6. März 2015

Biosphere Expeditions als ethisch vorbildlich arbeitende Organisation in einem zunehmend fragwürdigen Volontourismus-Markt ausgezeichnet
3. Februar 2015

Wissenschaftler und engagierte Laien vereinen Kräfte zum Schutz von Sumatra-Tiger und südafrikanischem Kap-Leopard
18. Dezember 2014

Biosphere Expeditions begrüßt wegweisenden Schritt zum Meeresschutz in Musandam, Oman
27. April 2014

Voluntourismus, Spreu & Leitfaden für Weizen
20. November 2013

Asiatische Staaten vereint im Schneeleopardenschutz; Biosphere Expeditions mitten drin
7. November 2013

Deckmantel Voluntourismus? Sinn und Unsinn bei Mitmachreisen
18. April 2013

Biosphere Expeditions von National Geographic ausgezeichnet
12. April 2013

Freiwillige Helfer sammeln wichtige neue Erkenntnisse über seltene und bedrohte Pallaskatze
26. Februar  2013

Neues, weltgrösstes Meeresschutzgebiet: Biosphere Expeditions hilft
22. Januar 2013

Kristina Killian, Feldbiologin von Biosphere Expeditions in Namibia gewinnt Umweltpreis „Trophée de femmes“
14. Februar 2012

Helfer für Schildkröten-Projekt in Westaustralien gesucht
29. Juli 2011 (via mikullagoldmannPR)

Malediven mal anders: Walhaie und Korallenriffe erforschen & schützen in einer der weltweit faszinierendsten Inselwelten
16. März 2011

Es lohnt sich: Mehr Schutzgebiete bis 2020
24. November 2010

Dr. Matthias Hammer zu Gast beim ZDF
8. Juli 2010

Bruno: Kein Sommermärchen
24. Juni 2010

Geparde auf dem Vormarsch
17. März 2010