Current Expeditions

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  • AZORES (Portugal)

    Survey of whales, dolphins and turtles around the Azores Archipelago in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean
    29 Mar - 7 April 2025 (10 days)
    9 - 18 April (10 days)
    €2290 (ca. £1938 | US$2479 | AU$3681)
    Status: only a few places left
    5 people are looking at this


    Conservation of wolves in Lower Saxony, northern Germany
    5 - 11 Jul 2025 (7 days)
    12 - 18 Jul 2025 (7 days)
    €2390 (ca. £2022 | US$2587 | AU$3841)
    Status: places available
    6 people are looking at this


    African biodiversity survey of cats, elephants, primates and others in Malawi
    1 - 13 Sep 2024 (13 days)
    €2980 (ca. £2521 | US$3226 | AU$4790)
    Status: places available
    15 people are looking at this


    Diving expedition studying coral reefs and whale sharks of the Maldives
    5 - 11 Oct 2024 (7 days)
    €2980 (ca. £2521 | US$3226 | AU$4790)
    Status: only a few places left
    7 people are looking at this


    Survey of leopards, caracals & Cape biodiversity in the fynbos Cape mountains UNESCO World Heritage Site of South Africa
    13 - 25 Oct 2024 (13 days)
    €2590 (ca. £2191 | US$2803 | AU$4163)
    Status: full (but wait list available)
    9 people are looking at this


    Monitoring brown bear in the quintessentially Scandinavian woodlands of Dalarna province, Sweden
    25 May - 3 Jun 2025 (10 days)
    €2780 (ca. £2352 | US$3009 | AU$4468)
    Status: places available
    11 people are looking at this


    Conservation of elephants in the Himalayan foothills of northern Thailand
    4 - 12 Nov 2024 (9 days)
    €2360 (ca. £1997 | US$2554 | AU$3793)
    Status: only a few places left
    11 people are looking at this

  • TIEN SHAN (Kyrgyzstan)

    Survey of snow leopards in the Tien Shan mountains of Kyrgyzstan
    21 Jul - 2 Aug 2025 (13 days)
    4 - 16 Aug 2025 (13 days)
    €2990 (ca. £2530 | US$3236 | AU$4806)
    Status: places available
    15 people are looking at this

Expeditions under Review

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ARABIA (UAE) | Oryx, wildcat, sand fox and others

Study of Arabian oryx, Gordon's wildcat and other iconic desert species in the Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve, UAE

COSTA RICA | Sea turtles

Hands-on surveying and conservation of sea turtles in the Golfo Dulce of Costa Rica

Past Expeditions

Map View

OMAN | Arabian leopard

From 2006 until 2011 this project researched the ecology and status of the Arabian leopard in the Dhofar and Musandam regions of Oman. The project was stopped when it became clear that there was little support and willingness to act upon recommendations locally.

AMAZONIA (Peru) | Cats, primates, parrots

Biosphere Expeditions worked in Amazonia from 2001 until 2016. During this time, dams were not built based in part on Biosphere Expeditions’ biodiversity studies and impact assessments, local conservationists were trained and found jobs, and a research station was built (which still operates today). Guidelines for boat behaviour at clay licks in the Tambopata Reserve were also incorporated into local management plans.

SCOTLAND | Marine mammals

This expedition studied cetaceans on the west coast of Scotland in 2013. Data gathered were used in local and national Biodiversity Action Plans (BAPs) and to advise the Scottish government on the creation of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).

SPAIN | Lammergeier

This expedition to the Spanish Pyrenees working on lammergeyers (Europe’s biggest vulture) ran for one year in 2008 and helped to reverse EU high altitude carcass removal regulations. The regulations were designed to combat the spread of BSE / mad cow diesease, but this was starving high mountain vultures and bears.

ROMANIA | Bear, wolf, lynx, beaver

This project worked for one year only (in 2019), helping to monitor bear, wolf, lynx and beaver in order to help in the creation of Europe's biggest national park in the Carpathian mountains of Romania.

BRAZIL | Jaguars & pumas

From 2006 until 2011 this project studied jaguars and pumas of the Atlantic Rainforest. Recommendations for the management and protection of jaguars were incorporated into national and state-wide jaguar action plans in Brazil.

SLOVAKIA | Lynx, wolf, bear

From 2004-2017 Biosphere Expeditions worked in various locations and seasons in Slovakia, monitoring chamois, wolf, lynx and bear populations and helping to establish protection regimes and resolve human-wildlife conflicts.

TIOMAN (Malaysia) | Coral reefs

The coral reef expedition to Tioman Island, Malaysia started in 2012 and ran until 2016. Biosphere Expeditions provided vital data on coral reef health and human-induced threats within the Tioman archipelago – data that were previously unavailable. We also helped build the foundation for 'Cintai Tioman', a long-term programme to increase social and ecological resilience on the island.

MUSANDAM (Oman) | Coral reefs

This coral reef diving project ran from 2008 to 2017 and resulted in the declaration of two protected areas in the region, as well as the creation of local NGO Reef Check Oman.

SRI LANKA | Elephants

This project studied human-elephant conflict in Sri Lanka in 2005 and had to be cancelled due to the then civil war that flared up in the region in the subsequent years.

SUMATRA (Indonesia) | Tiger

This three-year project (2015-2017) in collaboration with WWF Indonesia studied tigers, their prey and human-wildlife conflict in Rimbang Baling Wildlife Reserve and made recommendations for better tiger protection and integrating local people into tiger conservation.

ALTAI | Snow leopards

Data collected by expeditions from 2003 until 2012 helped with the declaration of a protected area for snow leopards and other wildlife in the Altai Republic, Central Asia. In addition, local poachers were converted into conservationists by paying them for verifiable camera trap pictures of snow leopards surviving year-on-year.

COSTA RICA | Leatherback sea turtle

This project fought a successful battle with poachers of turtle eggs from 2016-2019, with up to 75% of nests across four turtle species (leatherback, green, hawksbill, loggerhead) saved as a result of beach patrol and direct conservation actions. There were also encouraging signs of national authorities tasked with nature protection and law enforcement joining efforts in turtle conservation. Such combined actions by partner NGOs and state authorities were apparent at the end of the project with a novel aim of bringing poaching down to levels below 10%, thus turning the project from extinction prevention into population recovery.


This expedition ran from 2010 to 2011 and was about the conservation of the Australian flatback turtle. When Australia created the world's largest network of marine reserves in 2012, the Roebuck Commonwealth Marine Reserve, site of the expedition, was made part of the network, and is described as ‘foraging area adjacent to important nesting sites for flatback turtles’, just as suggested in the expedition reports.

POLAND | Wolves

This first ever expedition ran from 2001-2003, studying wolves in the Bieszczady Mountains National Park. It played an active role in saving wolves from being declared legitimate hunting targets in the area. It also captured and collared the first ever wolf in the Polish Carpathians.

NAMIBIA | Big cats & elephants

Biosphere Expeditions worked in Namibia for twelve years from 2002 until 2014. In that time it played a small role in the establishment of the Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area, at the time the world's largest wildlife conservation area, spanning five southern African countries. It also played a pivotal role in establishing the country's largest leopard conservation research project, working with local ranchers and resolving human-wildlife conflict, which led to a significant reduction in big cats killed in the country. A research station was also built.

HONDURAS | Coral reefs

From 2006 until 2011 this coral reef conservation project assisted the Cayos Cochinos Marine Protected Area, Bay Islands, Honduras with managing and protecting their coral reefs.

UKRAINE | Wolves & birds

Between 2001 and 2004 this expedition studied wolves and birds of the Kinburnska Kosa in the Ukraine. This led to the declaration of a national park, protecting an important stop-off point for many migratory birds, as well as a haven for fauna and flora (it boasts, amongst other things, Europe's biggest orchid field).

KENYA | Big Five and others

This expedition from 2019-2023 helped monitor biodiversity in the Maasai Mara of Kenya and trained rangers to do this independently. In doing so, the expedition made itself redundant and handed over to local monitors in 2023. While the expedition was on site, it also recorded a very significant rise in wildlife, reversing previous trends of biodiversity loss.